Commands Reference
ActiveMQ: An ActiveMQ deployment
ActiveMQZip: Standard platform zip format package
extract: Extract the package archive.
AntBuilder: A simple Builder to interface with Ant
AntZip: An Apache Ant Distribution Package
Apache: Manages an Apache HTTP server
ApacheSite: Apache Site Module
Deploy-Reload-Only: Run reload-only deployment for the Services in the Site.
Reload: Run reload workflow for Services in the Site.
ApacheSystemService: Apache System Service Module
BatBuilder: A simple Builder to interface with Windows batch script based builds
BitTorrentBuilder: BitTorrent torrent file builder based on the CreateTorrent utility by Daniel Etzold
BitTorrentClient: BitTorrent client management service
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting it.
BitTorrentFile: BitTorrent "torrent" file
BitTorrentTracker: BitTorrent tracker server
CTierInstallerZip: ControlTier Installer Package zip
ClientInstaller: client installer module
configureClient: configure a new controltier client
Deploy: automates installation and project configuration for a new controltier client
ConfigZip: Configuration zip archive
ContentZip: A generic Content zip package
ContinuousIntegration: Continuous integration server
CruiseControl: Cruise Control continuous integration facility
CruiseControlService: Run Cruise Control as a Windows service using Tanuki Software's Java Service Wrapper facility
Docs-Generate: Generate the Java Service Wrappe and Cruise Control configuration files
CruiseControlZip: Zip archive of Cruise Control
DukesBankProjectBuilder: Builds projects used to manage instances of the Dukes Bank application
ElementsProjectBuilder: Builds and manages projects that use the Elements modules library
FireDaemonService: Service integration of FireDaemon Technologie's Windows Service wrapper
Add: Add the FireDaemon Windows service if it is not already installed.
addService: Add the FireDaemon Windows service to the system
assertServiceIsDown: Check whether the FireDaemon Windows service is down
assertServiceIsInstalled: Check whether the FireDaemon Windows service is installed
assertServiceIsNotInstalled: Check whether the FireDaemon Windows service is not installed
assertServiceIsUp: Check whether the FireDaemon Windows service is up
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping, unconfiguring, installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting the service.
Remove: Remove the FireDaemon Windows service if it is installed.
removeService: Remove the FireDaemon Windows service from the system
startService: Start the FireDaemon Windows service
stopService: Stop the FireDaemon Windows service
Update: Run the service deployment cycle, same as Deploy
HsqldbRdb: A Hypersonic SQL database service
assertServiceIsDown: Check whether the Hypersonic SQL database server instance is down
assertServiceIsUp: Check whether the Hypersonic SQL database server instance is up
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting it.
Docs-Generate: Generate the server properties file
startService: Start the Hypersonic SQL database server instance
stopService: Stop the Hypersonic SQL database server instance
HsqldbRdbDmp: Hypersonic SQL database dump package
HsqldbRdbExportBuilder: Hypersonic SQL database export builder
HsqldbRdbSchema: A Hypersonic SQL database schema
HsqldbZip: Zip archive of the Hypersonic SQL Database
extract: Extract the package archive.
Hudson: Hudson continuous integration server
HudsonPlugin: Hudson Plugin (.hpi) file
HudsonWar: Hudson continuous integration server war package
ImageMagickTgz: ImageMagick tgz package
extract: Extract the package archive.
JBossAntBuilder: JBoss application Ant builder
JBossEar: ATG Java enterprise application archive package
extract: Extract the package archive.
finish: finishes the package installation
JBossServer: A JBoss application server
JBossZip: A JBoss Distribution Package
JavaBin: A unix based self extracting java platform package
JavaServiceWrapper: Windows platform integration of Tanuki Software's Java Wrapper Service facility
Add: Add the Java Service Wrapper Windows service if it is not already installed.
addService: Add the Java Service Wrapper Windows service to the system
assertServiceIsDown: Check whether the Java Service Wrapper Windows service is down
assertServiceIsInstalled: Check whether the Java Service Wrapper Windows service is installed
assertServiceIsNotInstalled: Check whether the Java Service Wrapper Windows service is not installed
assertServiceIsUp: Check whether the Java Service Wrapper Windows service is up
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping, unconfiguring, installing package dependencies, installing the dependent Service, and configuring and the starting the service. .
dispatchServiceConfigure: Dispatch the Configure command to a dependent service object
dispatchServiceInstall: Dispatch the Install command to a dependent service object
dispatchServicePackagesInstall: Dispatch the Packages-Install command to a dependent service object.
Docs-Generate: Generate the server properties file
Remove: Remove the Java Service Wrapper Windows service if it is installed.
removeService: Remove the Java Service Wrapper Windows service from the system
Service-Install: Install a dependent Service object without starting it directly
startService: Start the Java Service Wrapper Windows service
stopService: Stop the Java Service Wrapper Windows service
JavaServiceWrapperZip: Zip archive of Tanuki Software's Java Service Wrapper facility
JavaZip: java zip package
JtdsJar: A platform jar package
MakeBuilder: Subtype that allows for Make as Build type
MavenBuilder: A simple Builder to interface with Maven
MavenZip: Zip archive of Maven
extract: Extract the package archive.
Mule: Mule Enterprise Service Bus
MuleUserJar: Jar archive of the user contributed Mule assets destined for "$MULE_HOME/lib/user"
MuleZip: Zip archive of the Mule distribution
finish: finishes the package installation
MysqlRdb: A MySQL database instance
MysqlSchema: A mysql schema
OpenLDAP: OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Server
PackedWar: Packed (unexploded) web archive package
PlatformJar: A platform jar package
extract: Extract the package archive.
finish: finish the extract of jar
PlatformZip: Standard platform zip format package
finish: finishes the package installation
PostgresRdb: PostgreSQL server system service module
assertServiceIsUp: Check whether the specified system service is up
Configure: Run the configuration cycle for the deployment.
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting it.
Docs-Generate: Generate the PostgreSQL server configuration files
InitDb: Invoke the PostgreSQL server database initialization program (initdb)
PostgresRdbSchema: A PostgreSQL database schema
PuppetClient: Puppet client management service
PuppetMaster: The Puppet Master service
Rdb: A relational database service
RdbSchema: Represents a database schema
export: Exports the schema
ExportDmp: exports and uploads a dump
import: Imports the schema
ImportDmp: Imports the dmp file
registerDmp: registers the dump file as an object
Status: Gets the status of the service
upSchema: Checks schema is available in the designated instance
RpmBuilder: An RPM package builder.
SolidcoreController: Models the Solidcore controller's management of a set of nodes
SolidcoreHost: Solidcore S3 System Host Service
assertServiceIsDown: Check whether the host does not have Solidcore protection enabled
assertServiceIsUp: Check whether the specified host has Solidcore protection enabled
startService: Switch the specified host to end update, starting (enabling) Solidcore protection
stopService: Switch the specified host to begin update, stopping (disabling) Solidcore protection
Squid: Squid caching proxy server
SystemService: Unix/Linux system service module
Tomcat: Mediates administration of a Tomcat server and a set of one or more associated contexts. DEPRECATED
TomcatAntBuilder: Ant builder with specialized defaults for Tomcat applications
TomcatContext: Tomcat web application service (extended to support a custom context and an "external" property file)
TomcatServer: Apache Tomcat server deployment
TomcatServerService: Run TomcatServer as a Windows service using Tanuki Software's Java Service Wrapper facility
Docs-Generate: Generate the Java Service Wrappe and Cruise Control configuration files
TomcatSite: Centralized management for a set of Tomcat based application server instances and contexts.
Packages-Install: Dispatch package installation to the site's resources.
Update: Refresh dependencies and then deploy the site.
TomcatZip: Zip archive of Apache Tomcat
WarUpdater: Updater for J2EE web archive based applications
WindowsService: Automate Windows Service Control
YumRpm: Yum Package Type
extract: Extract the package archive.
ZipBuilder: Simple builder to create a Zip file package of the "basedir" (deployment-basedir) in the "targetdir" (deployment-install-root) using the object name as file name and timestamp versioning