ControlTier > elements >
Last Published: 03/04/2010 18:14:25


Command Reference


Confirm the package process is installed.

Checks for README.txt; returns true if it exists.


ctl -t CruiseControlZip -o <objectname> -c assertPackageIsInstalled [-basedir <>] [-depot <>] [-executable <>] [-installroot <>] [-name <>] [-nodeps] [-nodir] [-nomodule] [-nopackageinstall] [-noproperties] [-script <>] [-subdirs <>] [-type <>]


Option Description Type Default
basedir instance directory string
depot project depot string
executable executable to run string ${entity.attribute.package-isinstalled-executable}
installroot package installroot string ${entity.package-install-root}
name object name string
nodeps do not install dependencies boolean
nodir do not create directories boolean
nomodule do not update module boolean
nopackageinstall do not install package boolean
noproperties do not update properties boolean
script script to execute string ${entity.attribute.package-isinstalled-script}
subdirs directory list string
type object type string