ControlTier > elements


Command Reference


Generate a CruiseControl project definition for inclusion in config.xml

Called from CruiseControl#Docs-Generate. Checks to see if there is a CruiseControl referrer object. If so, generates a configuration file fragment which is then included in CruiseControl's config.xml which uses the exec task to run either the Build command on the object if building only, or the BuildAndUpdate command on this object's parent Updater if autoupdate=true.


ctl -t AntBuilder -o <objectname> -c generateProject [-anthome <>] [-artifactname <>] [-artifacttype <>] [-autoupdate <>] [-basedir <>] -file <> [-interval <>] [-mailhost <>] [-notificationlist <>] [-project <${}>] [-returnaddress <>]


Option Description Type Default
anthome ANT_HOME to use for the build string ${entity.attribute.buildAntHome}
artifactname CruiseControl artifact name string ${entity.attribute.cruiseControlArtifactName}
artifacttype CruiseControl artifact type string ${entity.attribute.cruiseControlArtifactType}
autoupdate Set to true to automatically update after build string ${entity.attribute.autoUpdate}
basedir directory where build resources reside string
file The project absolute path of the file to generate for inclusion by CruiseControl string
interval Minimum duration between builds in seconds string ${entity.attribute.cruiseControlInterval}
mailhost CruiseControl mail server address string ${entity.attribute.cruiseControlMailHost}
notificationlist Comma separated list of email addresses to be notified about the build string ${entity.attribute.notificationList}
project Name of the CruiseControl project to generate string ${}
returnaddress CruiseControl returned mail address string ${entity.attribute.cruiseControlReturnAddress}