ControlTier > elements >
Last Published: 03/04/2010 18:14:41



Service integration of FireDaemon Technologie's Windows Service wrapper


Provide windows service lifecycle management for a windows application using the FireDaemon Service Manager.

  • Override standard Service commands and integrate them with the FireDaemon command line UI.
  • The following Service commands are overridden:
    • Stop: Stops Windows Service if the exe exists as a running service.
    • Configure: Configures the exe as a FireDamon/Windows Service via FireDaemon UI.
    • Start: Starts the Windows Serevice if the exe exists as a running service.
  • The following Service commands are added to the Deploy sequence:
    • Remove: Removes the exe integrated Windows Service if it exists via FireDaemon UI
    • Add: Adds the exe as a Windows Service if it does not exist via FireDaemon UI


FireDaemon provides the ability to run any windows exe as a windows service in the case where an application may have been built without windows service support. This module simplifies the requirement of integrating the exe into FireDaemon by abstracting and automating the windows service lifecycle operations with respect to the ControlTier Service layer. Thus the burden of this integration is then reduced to the command line requirements to run the exe and FireDaemon and ControlTier do the rest.


Since FireDaemon is a commercial product, the licensing of FireDaemon is required on the windows machine(s) where this automation will occur. This module is agnostic to this licensing and is left as a platform responsibility.


Check List

  1. See FireDaemon regarding licensing.

See Also