ControlTier > elements


Command Reference


Generate a Hudson job (project) config.xml file

Generates the hudson configuration if such a referrer to this build is defined.


ctl -t MavenBuilder -o <objectname> -c generateHudsonConfig [-autoupdate <>] [-buildFile <>] [-buildTarget <>] -jobdir <> [-mavenHome <>] [-mavenOpts <>] [-notificationlist <>] [-project <${}>]


Option Description Type Default
autoupdate Set to true to automatically update after build string ${entity.attribute.autoUpdate}
buildFile Maven pom file for the build (specified relative to the base directory) string ${entity.attribute.buildFile}
buildTarget Maven goal(s) for the build string ${entity.attribute.buildTarget}
jobdir Absolute path to Hudson jobs folder string
mavenHome Maven installation to use for build string ${entity.attribute.mavenHome}
mavenOpts Maven options to use for build string ${entity.attribute.mavenOpts}
notificationlist Comma separated list of email addresses to be notified about the build string ${entity.attribute.notificationList}
project Name of the project to generate string ${}