ControlTier > elements


Command Reference


Generate associated Documents, and Tomcat configuration files based on templates for the specific Tomcat release.

This command generates the documents and configuration files for the TomcatServer. This is the sequence of generation:

  1. Generate Document Transforms
  2. Create catalinaBase contents if it is not the same path as the catalinaHome, by copying initial contents from catalinaHome.
  3. Expand the templates for the specific Apache Tomcat Release version from the TomcatServer module templates/<RELEASE> directory.
  4. If the keepAdminServer attribute is not "true", then the manager and host-manager context files are removed
  5. (Standalone mode): If an application context is defined for the TomcatServer, (generateApplicationTomcatContext attribute is "true"),then generate the context definition for the war child dependency
  6. If Rdb children exist and the generateDefaultTomcatContext attribute is "true", then generate the context.xml.default file
  7. (Standalone mode): If a propertyFileName attribute is defined (TomcatPropertyFile setting resource), and TomcatProperty setting resources exist, generate a config file into the WEB-INF/classes directory of the expanded war.
  8. Register the service, if the "smf" strategy is used.


ctl -t TomcatServer -o <objectname> -c Docs-Generate [-archivedir <${entity.instance.dir}/var>] [-basedir <>] [-install_root <>] [-java_home <>] [-javaoptions <>] [-keepAdminServer <false>]


Option Description Type Default
archivedir dir to store current output docs string ${entity.instance.dir}/var
basedir tomcat instance dir string ${entity.attribute.catalinaBase}
install_root tomcat installation root string ${entity.attribute.catalinaHome}
java_home tomcat java_home string ${entity.attribute.javaHome}
javaoptions tomcat java options string ${entity.attribute.javaOptions}
keepAdminServer keep admin server string false / ${entity.attribute.keepAdminServer}