ControlTier > elements


Command Reference


Imports the schema

concrete import implementation of the schema import.


ctl -t RdbSchema -o <objectname> -c import [-dmp_file <${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaType}-${opts.buildstamp}.dmp>] [-failonwarnings <>] [-from_user <>] [-instance <${Rdb.entity.attribute.rdbInstanceName}>] [-password <${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaPassword}>] [-rdb_home <>] [-schema <${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaName}>] [-username <${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaUserName}>]


Option Description Type Default
dmp_file dump file to import string ${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaType}-${opts.buildstamp}.dmp
failonwarnings if arg true, fail if there are import warnings string
from_user from user string
instance Database server instance name

Identifies the database instance name, by default this instance name is derived from the referring database server object.

string ${Rdb.entity.attribute.rdbInstanceName}
password Schema user's password

password to access database schema, defaults to the rdbSchemaPassword attribute.

string ${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaPassword}
rdb_home path to database install string
schema Database schema name

name of the database schema, defaults to the rdbSchemaName attribute.

string ${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaName}
username Schema user name

username to access database schema, defaults to the rdbSchemaUserName attribute.

string ${entity.attribute.rdbSchemaUserName}