ControlTier > elements



A relational database service


An abstract representation of a database server and its dependencies. Often it is desirable to model a database server and expose its resources to referring entities such as an Application Server or other "upstream" deployments. The most common use case is to auto-generate the datasource configurations that an application server (e.g. Tomcat, JBoss, etc) may require for the database application requirements.

Additional support exists for the importing and exporting of dependent database schemas in order to automate the buliding and deploying of versioned data packages.


The combination of Rdb and RdbSchema objects can provide a sufficient data model for automated datasource generation. Datasource configurations, which typically require the same information provided by database server(s) and its dependent schema(s), are platform specific (e.g. Tomcat and JBoss both support datasource configurations but are not in common format). It is therefore the requirement of referring objects such as of type JBossServer or TomcatServer to implement the data driven configuration.

See Also