ControlTier > elements


Command Reference


Generate list of files to package.

Uses the base directory, includes and excludes attributes/options to create a package type independent list of files and directories to include in the package(s). The list is stored in the file designated by the manifest option/attribute.


ctl -t RpmBuilder -o <objectname> -c generateManifest [-basedir <>] [-buildstamp <>] [-excludes <>] [-includes <>] [-manifest <>] [-targetdir <>]


Option Description Type Default
basedir directory where build resources reside string ${entity.attribute.basedir}
buildstamp build identifier string ${entity.attribute.buildstamp}
excludes directories and files to exclude from the package string ${entity.attribute.packageExcludes}
includes directories and files to include in the package string ${entity.attribute.packageIncludes}
manifest package manifest file name string ${entity.attribute.packageManifest}
targetdir directory build artifacts will be written string ${entity.attribute.targetdir}