ControlTier > elements >
Last Published: 11/16/2009 19:53:20


Command Reference


runs the build script

Makes sure the build file exists and then runs Ant using the custom ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME.


ctl -t AntBuilder -o <objectname> -c runBuildScript [-antArgs <>] [-anthome <>] [-antOpts <>] [-basedir <>] [-buildfile <>] [-buildstamp <>] [-javahome <>] -packageBuildtimePattern <> [-path <>] [-target <>] [-targetdir <>]


Option Description Type Default
antArgs ANT_ARGS setting string ${entity.attribute.antArgs}
anthome Ant installation to use for build string ${entity.attribute.buildAntHome}
antOpts ANT_OPTS setting string ${entity.attribute.antOpts}
basedir directory where build resources reside string ${entity.attribute.basedir}
buildfile build file to execute string ${entity.attribute.buildFile}
buildstamp build identifier string ${entity.attribute.buildstamp}
javahome Java installation to use for build string ${entity.attribute.javaHome}
packageBuildtimePattern Build Time date format string ${entity.attribute.packageBuildtimePattern}
path System path to use for build string ${entity.attribute.buildPath}
target build target to evaluate string ${entity.attribute.buildTarget}
targetdir directory build artifacts will be written string ${entity.attribute.targetdir}