ControlTier > core


Command Reference


Query jobcenter for a list of matching jobs, and optionally store the result as an XML file.

Queries the Jobcenter server for matching jobs. This command can print the output for view by the user, or produce Jobs XML formatted output to a file. Additionally, a purge option can be set to delete the matched jobs from the server.

If no filter options are supplied, then all jobs from the server are matched.

Using the -purge option will immediately delete matching jobs from the server after the query, so beware. It is recommended that the -out option be used in conjunction with this to minimize lost data. These two options can be combined to both store the Jobs XML of the matched jobs and delete them on the server.

static: This command can be run outside of an object context.


ctl -m ProjectBuilder -c find-jobs [-command <>] [-group <>] [-idlist <>] [-name <>] [-object <>] [-out <>] [-password <>] [-project <>] [-purge] [-type <>] [-url <>] [-username <>]


Option Description Type Default
command Job context command filter string
group Job group filter

The special value of "-" for this option indicates that only jobs that are ungrouped will be matched.

idlist Comma separated list of job IDs string
name Job name filter string
object Job context object filter string
out Path to the jobs.xml file to store the xml output. Can be just a filename to store in the current dir. If not specified, then the jobs are printed to the output in a formatted way. string
password Jobcenter password string ${framework.server.password}
project Job project filter string
purge If present, delete the found jobs on the server. boolean
type Job context type filter string
url jobcenter server URL string ${framework.jobcenter.url}
username Jobcenter Username string ${framework.server.username}