Commands Reference
Builder: An interface to a software builder.
Build: Run the build cycle.
Export: Export a set of packages.
generateBuildstampExcludes: Generate a list of buildstamps to avoid purging the most recent packages of builders of the given type, updating the model if required
Purge: Purge unused and not-current packages.
repoExport: Export package files from the repository.
repoFind: Find package objects in the repository.
repoFindAndPurge: Use repoFind to find unused and non-current packages, and then use repoPurge to remove them from the Repository.
repoImport: Import packages into the repository.
repoPurge: Remove package objects from the repository.
runBuildScript: Invoke the build tool.
scmCheckout: Run the checkout command.
setBuildstamp: Optionally automatically generate the buildstamp, updating the model if required
Deployment: An interface to an application deployment
call: call a defined command
Change-Dependencies: Query model and switch package dependencies to the specified version or buildstamp.
Configure: Run the configuration cycle for the deployment.
Deploy: Run the deployment cycle, coordinating package installation and configuration.
Docs-Generate: Generate the configured template-based documents.
Docs-Verify: Verify the documents generated by Docs-Generate.
exec: executes a command
Get-Process-View: Get the process view XML for a command invocation
Get-Properties: Get the properties for the deployment.
Install: Install the deployment, and its module and properties to AntDepo.
Packages-Install: Install the configured package dependencies for the deployment.
Properties: Print deployment properties to the console.
Register: Register the deployment as an object to the repository.
Register-Dependency: Register an object-to-object dependency to the repository.
runChangeDependencies: Query model and switch Package dependencies to specified version or buildstamp.
Update: Change dependencies and run the deployment cycle.
Managed-Entity: Represents an abstract manageable object.
Mediator: Mediates actions across a set of Deployments
Change-Dependencies: Query model and switch package dependencies to the specified version or buildstamp.
Configure: Run the configuration life cycle.
Deploy: Run the coordinated deployment cycle across the configured Sites.
dispatchCmd: Dispatch the specified command to child dependencies that match the specified type and name.
Install: Install the deployment, its modules and properties to CTL, as well as any child dependency deployments.
Packages-Install: Install the configured package dependencies for the subordinate deployments.
Properties: Print deployment properties to the console.
Update: Changes package dependencies and runs the coordinated deployment cycle across the configured Sites.
Node: A machine hosting application deployments
Package: An interface to a software package.
ProjectBuilder: ProjectBuilder is a utility type to assist developing and loading of source-based projects in the ControlTier system.
add-tag: Add a tag to the specified objects. (deprecated)
archive-objects: Create an archive of objects matching the specified type and name.
build-library: Build a type library.
build-object: Generate entity.xml. (deprecated)
build-type: Build and package a type defined in the type.xml.
convert-rdf: Convert type and module rdf to type.xml.
create-object: Create a bootstrap entity.xml. (deprecated)
create-project: Create a new project in the repository. (deprecated)
create-type: Create a new type source directory and initial type.xml.
find-jobs: Query jobcenter for a list of matching jobs, and optionally store the result as an XML file.
find-objects: Query project for objects matching query params.
generate-forrest-docs: Generate forrest docs from type.xml files.
generate-jobs: Generate an initial set of job data files from the type templates.
generate-objects: Generate an initial set of object data files from the type templates.
load-jobs: Load jobs into jobcenter via an XML file.
load-library: Load a library into the repository.
load-objects: Load object data from a file into the project model on the server.
load-types: Upload type module jar files to the repository.
purge-objects: Delete objects in the repository from the results of find-objects.
refactor-rename: Replace text within matching files of a directory. (deprecated)
remove-tag: Remove a tag from the specified objects. (deprecated)
Service: An interface to an application service deployment
assertServiceIsDown: Confirm the service process is down.
assertServiceIsUp: Confirm the service process is running.
Deploy: Run the service deployment cycle, stopping installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting it.
Prepare: Prepare the service for the update.
Restart: Restart the service process.
Start: Start the service process.
startService: Start the service process.
Status: Get the status of the service.
Stop: Stop the service process.
stopService: Stop the service process.
Update: Run the service update cycle, stopping installing package dependencies, configuring and the starting it.
Site: An interface to a set of related application services.
Prepare: Run the platform preparation cycle for the Services in the Site.
Restart: Run the application re-start process for the Services in the Site.
Start: Start the Services configured for the Site.
Status: Call the Status command for the Services configured for the Site.
Stop: Stop the Services configured for the Site.
Updater: Provides a coordinated build and deployment process.
Build: Run the coordinated build cycle across the configured Builders
BuildAndUpdate: Run the coordinated end-to-end the build and deployment processes across the configured Builders and Sites.
Prepare: Run the platform preparation cycle across the configured Sites.
runTestScript: Invoke the test tool.
Test: Run the test cycle.
bin: A self extracting shar package
extract: extracts the package by executing the self installer
coretests: Test suite for coreutils code
davutil: various WebDAV utilities
copy: Copy a resource
delete: Delete a resource
extract: Retrieve an archived resource and extract it
mkcol: Make resource collection
move: Moves/renames a WebDAV-resource.
put: Put a file in the repository
ear: An ear package
create: Create ear package.
extract: Extract the package archive.
file: A package consisting of a single file
fileutil: various file utilities
jar: A jar package
create: Create jar package archive.
extract: Extracts jar packag archive.
logicutil: various command flow logic utilities
timeout: Limit execution to specified time.
try: try catch finally.
modelutil: a set of model management utilities
netutil: various network utilities
email: Sends an email.
listening: hecks for the existence of a TCP/IP listener at the specified host and port.
reachable: test if server or URL is reachable
traceroute: print the route packets take to network host
pkg: A SVR4 package
create: Create ackage archive.
extract: Extract package archive.
remove: Remove the installed package.
rpm: A binary RPM package type
shellutil: various shell utilities
env: get environment info
exec: executes a command
kill: kill process
pkill: kill named process
ps: get process info
whoami: print the user name
textutil: various text utilities
cat: concatenate the file
checksum: checksum a file
contains: Checks if file contains pattern
head: display first lines of a file
nl: show file content with line numbers
replace: replace string
sort: sort file
tail: display last lines of a file
uniq: uniq file
wc: ord, line, character, and byte count
tgz: A tgz package
war: A war package
create: Create package archive.
extract: Extract the package archive.
zip: A zip package
create: Create package archive.
extract: Extract the package archive.