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Zip archive of Maven


MavenZip: Zip archive of Maven


Automates the maven installation using the maven zip distribution.


Automating the build is only useful once the environment is setup, this module automates the maven installation which is a frequently a prerequisite and one-time installation requirement. This package module, when used as a dependency of a MavenBuilder deployment, will ensure that Maven is installed. Addressess following issues:

  • Automates the maven package installation necessary for Continuous Integration when maven is needed.
  • Can be used for any maven environment in order to bootstrap a build process


Super Type

A PlatformZip subtype which requires that the mavenPackageBase attribute is set correctly

Role Concrete. (Objects can be created.)
Instance Names Unique
Notification false
Template Directory
Data View Children, proximity: 1
Logger Name MavenZip


Allowed Child Dependencies

  • Package

Allowed Parent Dependencies

Limit referrers to be objects of the MavenBuilder deployment type


Exported Attributes

Name Property Description
mavenPackageBase package-base package base must be equal to the base directory of the maven installation root (MAVEN_HOME)


View the available commands in the User Reference.