ControlTier > core


Command Reference


Sets the properties for the object.

Stores the configuration data for the Managed-Entity object.


Managed-Entity includes this base implementation for storing property data driven by the following parameter.

  • This property references the file where property data will be stored. By default it is stored as ${entity.instance.dir}/var/

The locations for this property above can be modified via the framework configuration file, ${ctl.base}/etc/

Data Format

CTL uses Java properties as its own data format but you are not required to follow that convention. Since it is only your commands that load and interpret the data, you are free to choose alternative formats such as XML, YAML, CSV, etc.

If you do choose, another format, be sure to override the Properties command to provide a pretty format for it.


ctl -t Managed-Entity -o <objectname> -c Set-Properties [-argline <>] -executable <> [-failonerror <false>] [-os <>] [-output <>] [-script <>] [-scriptfile <>] -strategy <shellutil> [-timeout <>]


Option Description Type Default
argline arguments for execututable string
executable executable path string
failonerror fail if there is an error string false
os list of Operating Systems on which the command may be executed. string
output Name of a file to which to write the output. If the error stream is not also redirected to a file or property, it will appear in this output. string
script script to execute string
scriptfile scriptfile to execute string
strategy strategy module string shellutil
timeout Stop the command if it doesn't finish within the specified time string